Use it or lose it – this goes for everything in life. So how do we not lose it, we be consistent. Consistency is key. We cannot emphasis enough how important showing up for class and getting your CrossFit fix in is!! We understand the hardest part about taking up a new exercise regime is the actual effort and time constraints of getting yourself to that front door. Once you are in the door, we are there to get you going and moving in class. You forget about everything at home or work, all you gotta do is listen to the Trainer, get your fitness on and catch up with your training pals. As explained before it’s so important to make that one hour a day or 2-3 hours a week in to get some physical activities into your life. The more you start moving the more you learn and feel the benefits of exercise along with recreational side of it. That’s probably the best part of it – seeing your training buddies! Although, learning a new skill or lifting a weight you didn’t think you could do or complete a tough workout are amazing feelings also!!
Being consistent in your exercise regime – what does this mean? It could mean a number of things. For the average adult ideally, we want to try and get 150 mins of intense physical activity along with 2 days of strength training per week. This is matched in the training we do in CrossFit and our program is planned to meet these World Health Recommendations. Doing only 1 class a week unfortunately will not benefit you as much as the 3 classes would obviously but then again 1 class is better than none if you are currently at 0. We recommend the 3 days a week minimum prescription of exercise in CrossFit Training as we are also a learning environment. In order to continuously learn and develop skills and thus create capacity (fitness) we need to practice and train these movements on a regular consistent basis. If we miss out on training for a week and then get straight back into your regular training regime this will not affect your capacity. But if you find yourself only doing one class one week then zero the next and back to one again then your muscle memory and skills learned previously will be wasted. It’s like anything else in life; if we stop doing things we need and want to learn then we will lose the ability to do them. Prepare to lose em’ if you don’t use em’ – same goes for your capacity in fitness and skills or movements you learn along the way. Same goes for our flexibility and mobility particularly in strength training. Look at a young child who can squat perfectly to the full range of motion, ie nice straight upright flat back with hips below parallel almost touching the ground when picking an object up from the ground. Many adults have lost this movement due to the lack of movement over time. We can gain this movement back with consistent mobility work that we can all do at home. For example, if you want to improve your squat depth you need to squat more and work on some stretches specific to limitations. Talk to a Trainer and we can point you in the right direction.
Finally, we have our Consistency Club running since we opened our doors in May 2018 – If you want to learn more about this get in touch. The people you see in that Club are getting the results they deserve – they are happy and enjoy and look forward to their training. If you want to get into that Club and start seeing real results, we’d love to hear from you and help you get there!
Our training program consists of 2 Memberships types.
1 – The “Starter” Membership: this consists of 3 classes a week or 12 classes a month that can be used in any way possible from the 1st of the month to the last day of the month. For example, you could train twice one week and then 4 times the next week if you wanted.
2 – The “Lifestyle” Membership: this consists of Unlimited Classes a week where you train one hour a day every day as CrossFit becomes a part of your Lifestyle. On Sundays we rest and spend time with family. Our program is safely designed for all individuals to train in this manner.
To learn more about us and our membership get in touch now: www.crossfitleixlip.com/contact or call or WhatsApp us on: 0873177412 now!